
Tuesday, 12 January 2016

My Goals for 2016

I wake up every morning and think what is my goals for 2016? Well one of my goals are getting fit. Sometimes I could get lazy and sometimes I could get active. When I get lazy I get lazy!!! That's why this year I want to do all the exercise I can to get fit by the end of the Year. The second thing I want to work on is focusing on my school work, and focusing on other things but here's one thing. I'M NOT GOOD AT FOCUSING. And this is my third thing I want to work on this year and it's helping my Mum with her duties. My brother Simon doesn't really do anything around the house but I always help my Mum around the house. These are all my goals for this year and I hope you have some goals you want to share. Please  Leave a Comment!!!

THE END....    


  1. Dear Michael,

    It is wonderful to see that you are already thinking about what you can do to be your best and to meet your goals for 2016. I really hope that you accomplish all three. I am quite sure that you will :) I heard a woman being interviewed on the radio today and she said that the best way to accomplish your goals is to tell people what they are and to seek support from family and friends. By posting your goals on your site you are one step closer to making them happen! I am sure that your friends and family will do everything that they can to help you achieve them.

    Wishing you a very happy and successful 2016!


  2. Michael
    Great to see students taking the time to blog in their holidays - and I have to say I agree completely with the comment above about the importance of sharing your goals and setting them so others so you can get support. It would be interesting to reflect on these goals at maybe halfway through the year to see how you are going. Wonderful as I mentioned that you are putting in the effort to post during the School Holidays.
    Mr Webb and Room Three, Auroa Primary School, Taranaki.

  3. Hi Michael

    I love the way you have a goal that will help you right now - getting fit.
    A goal that will help your future - learning more
    And a goal that will help others - your mother

    Well done!

  4. Hi Michael,

    I am sending you a friendly reminder that the
    summer blogging project (Summer Learning Journey) is currently underway. It is just about to head into Week 3 and there are over 20 fun activities for you to complete. Each activity is worth points and the points will be added up at the end of the summer. Students with the most points will win prizes. All participants will also earn a badge and a certificate.

    I will be checking your blog spot every day up to and including Tuesday 26 January (the last day of the blogging programme).

    If you would like to join the programme and receive lots of comments and feedback, please log onto the Summer Learning Journey website:, register and then click on the 'Weekly Activities' tab. The activities are divided into 3 weeks and you will likely want to start with 'Week 1.' During week 1 you will be invited to choose a country to travel to, buy an airline ticket, watch the All Blacks perform a cool safety video, pack your suitcase, and review a good book for the airplane ride!

    A number of students from your school are currently participating in the programme and we're all having a great time. If you'd like to be one of them, please log on and blog today!

    Hope to see you online this week :)



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