Science Investigation
Fair Testing
Fill out the following table to help you explain the Growing in the dark: Plants and light experiment
Aim - what are you trying to find out?
If plants can grow under lights faster than growing under the sun ... Will it be more healthy?!
Hypothesis - what do you think your results will be?
I think the one that will grow in the sun will be more successful for the following reasons. It's more healthy for the plant and its more good to the enviroment...
Independent Variable - what variable will you change?
I would change the enviroment the plants are around because they are just for a experiment. Plants are lives you know...
Dependent Variable - what variable will you measure?
I would focus on the one that's inside because its the experiment that were doing so it’ll be cool to see if it actually works...
Controlled Variable - what variables will you keep the same?
I would keep the plants in the environment it is in for testing...
Aim - what are you trying to find out?
What colour of bird feeders are preferred...
Hypothesis - what do you think your results will be?
My Hypothesis would have to be the colour green because it is the colour of the environment we live in...
Independent Variable - what variable will you change?
I would change the places I would place them because if you keep all of the birds together. That would be very unhealthy...
Dependent Variable - what variable will you measure?
I would focus on the ones that birds actually come to because the more the merrier...
Controlled Variable - what variables will you keep the same?
I would keep all the colours the because I think that attracts creatures to come...
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