On a existing weekend me my Dad and my brother went to the Warriors vs Raiders game. When the Raiders came out everyone yelled BOO but when the Warriors came out every yelled yay. When the game started it sounded painful because i could here a big slap and everyone went OOO. Some people got injured in the first half because they were in the way and we got a photo with Manu Vatu Vie.
This guy from the Raiders chipped and it went high and Munu Vatu Vie jumped for the ball and got a try! The 2nd try was a runaway on the sideline And the whole crowd yelled go go go. Everyone cheered i was happy because we were winning, And another outstanding player was Shawn Johnson.
Shawn Johnson got 3 tries and one of them was a runaway and one of them was a dive jump and one of them was a safe try! The Raiders were cheating because one of them elbowed Kevin Locke in the face. Everyone yelled Boo to the Raiders when they got that try. And hepes of people on the 2nd half got injured most of them was the Raiders.
At the end some of the Warriors left and it was a bummer that they had to leave.
What a great game to watch Michael. I wished I was there to watch it live!