
Monday 15 April 2013

Eel of Omaru Creek

Once upon a time there was an eel named Jake. He had many brothers and sisters, and they all lived in a beautiful freshwater creek called Omaru Creek. Jake the eel enjoyed playing with his family and friends amongst the crystal clear water and green river plants. Life couldn’t have been any better for Jake and his family.

 One morning, Jake woke up to have breakfast with his family like how he usually did, but could not find anyone. This puzzled Jake, so he went off to find them. Once he swam out of his home, he came across a big black cloud of something, a plastic bag and some tinned cans. Jake was in shock! He swam faster to find his family and instead, came across his good mate Jeff who looked sick and was lying on a rock at the bottom of the river bed. Jake asked Jeff what was going on and if he had seen his family. Jeff said “No, he hasn’t” and that he didn’t feel well. He also said the black cloud in the river was oil from the farm next door and that was what was making him and everyone else in the beautiful creek feel sick. Jake swam off even faster to look for his family. He searched everywhere in the creek for them, but could not find them. He started to feel tired so he went back home.

 After he got back home, he went searching around the house and suddenly found his family lying on weeds in the backyard. Jake realised that the oil and rubbish that was in the water was killing his friends and making his family sick. This disaster is called pollution. Jake gathered his remaining friends and family for a meeting. The humans had gone too far with their pollution that it was killing beautiful plants and creatures, and turning their whole world upside down. They had to do something now! They decided to move to another river but the pollution had reached their as well. Jakes remaining friends and family started to die after a couple of years and Jake realised that the pollution was just getting worse. There is not much left of Jakes kind anymore, so I think that us humans should beware of where we put our rubbish and be very careful about what we put down our drains.

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