Monday, 16 December 2013
Ambassador Application
I am applying to be an ambassador because I can speak clearly. I am confident enough to speak in front of big crowds and to adults. I am really good at reading and remembering scripts.
I think being an ambassador will help my confidence. And if i make a mistake I can carry on. I love to experience new things
One thing I have learned about and created something to share is my blog post about is my warrior weekend!!! Click here to watch my Warriors weekend. This is an example of LEARN, CREATE, SHARE.

Thursday, 12 December 2013
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Friday, 6 December 2013
2013 Reflection
2013 was one of my best years because my Reading was up to where I should be and i am proud of my self. Maybe i'm so good at reading is that i can read words correctly and i am smart. I moved up a reading level 3 weeks ago and now i am in the highest reading group and I am proud of myself because my teacher thinks i'm good at reading and my reading level is 10.5!!!
For maths I am also proud as I am as reading because we were learning how to do a treasure map times tables division and number line. My favorite thing in maths time is a link called Maths Whizz. You can do heaps of things like maths games you can buy stuff and the most fun part is your bed room!!! You can do all sorts of things in there.
For Topic we learned all sorts of things like How did the Oamaru creek get so polluted or how could is it in Antarctica or Lifes A stage and our topic this term is What in the world is going on!!! This year is all about what is going on in the world and we learned about farming.
I love P.E because you get fit and fast and that is what i am aiming for and there are rugby teams for our school and I shind up for it. It was a fun experience because we vurst 10 teams and we won 3 times in a row so that is why it is a fun experience...
I love Writing even when it is very long stories I love long stories because it is very interesting and my favorite book all of this Term is Erick’s Travel Diary. I is very interesting because there are heaps of big words and there are some cool facts in the book to. I like one fact and that is pyramids have mummies in them.
E learning:

Thursday, 5 December 2013
Wrong words on a farm
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
Friday, 29 November 2013
Ambury Farm!!!!!!!!
One beautiful day we went to Ambury Farm. first we went into the bus it was fun because we got to sing and talk. When we got there we went to this room and the leader said what we are allowed and not allowed to do.
The next thing that we did was shearing the sheep. It is like the farmers shaving the sheep, it was cool because we were holding sheeps wool and debby shaved a sheep it had heaps of poo stuck to its bum.
After we saw that we went to the milking shed. We saw a massive cow named Mrs T. It was one of the biggest cows I had ever seen it was cool because they hooked a machine to Mrs T Udders. Heaps of milk came gushing out of Mrs T Udders and we got to go around and pat it. the cow looked scary if you go close up because it looked like Mrs T would swing her head and whack you in the face but it didn't. After that we let Mrs T go and there was a little path that Mrs T went it was cool because cows came up to us.
After that school trip i was so so so tired but i loved that school and hope to go again.
The next thing that we did was shearing the sheep. It is like the farmers shaving the sheep, it was cool because we were holding sheeps wool and debby shaved a sheep it had heaps of poo stuck to its bum.
After we saw that we went to the milking shed. We saw a massive cow named Mrs T. It was one of the biggest cows I had ever seen it was cool because they hooked a machine to Mrs T Udders. Heaps of milk came gushing out of Mrs T Udders and we got to go around and pat it. the cow looked scary if you go close up because it looked like Mrs T would swing her head and whack you in the face but it didn't. After that we let Mrs T go and there was a little path that Mrs T went it was cool because cows came up to us.
After that school trip i was so so so tired but i loved that school and hope to go again.

Friday, 22 November 2013
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Friday, 15 November 2013
Athletics DAY !!!!!!!!!!
On a nice sunny day it was athletics day. Our school had to sit on the court and listen to instructions. Once all the instructions were given we said a prayer. After the prayer we went to have some fun, our leader was Miss Garden. Our first event was high jump. I made the first jump but sadly I didn't make the 2nd one because the bar was to high. The 2nd event we did was 100 meter sprints. In our first race I came 2nd to last. It was hard running against faster people!!!
One of the hardest events was discus. We were given safety instructions for discus by Mr S. He told us that a discus could kill somebody if they got hit in the head with it. We had to make sure we waited in line and didn’t run in front of the person throwing the discus. When it was my turn, I threw it as hard as I could. I was meant to have another turn but there wasn’t enough time and Miss Garden said “lets go to Javelin.” As we were walking to Javelin I stepped on a rock it hurt but I kept on walking.
After athletics i felt really tired. I felt having a really big nap. I am Really Proud of myself and I hope I do Better next year !!!!!!!!
Thursday, 14 November 2013
The Grate Manaiakalani Film Fest
Wednesday our school went to the Manaiakalani Film Festival. It was fun because you got to buddy up I buddied up with Shaitarn. As we were sitting in the bus we were having a competition. It was boys vs girls we had to sing, first it was the boys and then it was the girls. After we sang we hopped off the bus and walked to the Movies. When we walked up the stairs in the movies we went on the very top on the cool seats.
As we were watching we had to get 3 people to sit with. I sat with Shaitarn and Jalen it was cool. The Manaiakalani Film Festival was a wonderful experiment and I hope we go there next year!!! I liked Manaiakalani film fest because they had funny movies and they filmed grate. My Favorite movies was Penguin wars by Stone felds school and There is no one like me from room 20. I loved The Manaiakalani Film Fest and hope the movies are much better next year !!!!!!!!!!!
As we were watching we had to get 3 people to sit with. I sat with Shaitarn and Jalen it was cool. The Manaiakalani Film Festival was a wonderful experiment and I hope we go there next year!!! I liked Manaiakalani film fest because they had funny movies and they filmed grate. My Favorite movies was Penguin wars by Stone felds school and There is no one like me from room 20. I loved The Manaiakalani Film Fest and hope the movies are much better next year !!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
Tuesday, 5 November 2013
Thursday, 31 October 2013
Once a upon time there was a boy named Toby . He had a fight with a boy named Charlie. Toby was Charlie's best friend and Toby started this fight. Toby started punching Charlie and Charlie started punching Toby. Then Tobys friend Jake got bark and started throwing bark at Charlies head. And Toby started throwing bark at Charlie to. Toby had a lighter and lit some bark on fire and he throw it to Charlie.
Charlie got that piece of bark that was on fire and throw it to Toby and Toby’s cloths were on fire and he Yelled “AH AH AH AH’’ very loud. “And Charlie said to Jake get out of here’’. Then Jake said neh and he poked thongs and then Charlie jabed
Jake in the face and he started crying.
And every one came and looked at Toby crying and Charlie said are you all right
and Toby said NO and Charlie said fine then bye and he started laughing while he was walking from the playground. Charlie went home and watched TV and his mum
said “CHARLIE there is a fire in the back of the house’’. Charlie knew it was Toby because he saw in dark blue jeans speed pass him and Charlie said “STOP RIGHT THERE’’ he Yelled.
It was a chase they were sprinting through out the whole neighborhood it was so harsh they were shouting. Charlies mum said “What in the world are you doing’’, Charlie was punching Toby in the face and then slammed him into the lamppost and it collapsed. Toby was so knocked out they had to get an Ambulance to wake him up because he was in a coma from getting knocked out. But Toby was such a troublemaker and thats why Charlie knocked him out.
Friday, 25 October 2013
Fire on the farm.
Answer these questions:
Who are the main characters in the story? Toby and Shannon
Where does the story take place? when they were fighting over the phone
What are the main events of the first two chapters? The mum and dad leave to the bank and when they were fighting
What does ‘the wind was making them restless’ mean? They can't rest
Why was life hard for them on the farm at that time? there was a fire
What do you think caused the fire? the sun and the wind
What was making the fire spread? the grass
Thursday, 24 October 2013
Room 13 headed off to orienteering yesterday morning. We were excited because last time you had to run around in a circle but this time we could run around the whole school. Damien and I were partners . We each had an important job to do. I was in charge of reading the map and making sure we were going the right way. Damien was in charge of clipping the paper card when we got to the marker. Sometimes it was difficult to find the markers but we managed to get there in the end.
Orienteering is a very hard sport it is like running around like you don't know where you are and its like you are lost. I don't really like orienteering
because it is very hard and i hope i don't do it a gain.
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
The Bear in the room next door
The Bear in the room next door !!!
My favourite bit was when Josh covered him self in honey and tried to track the bear down but he jumped on to his parents.
And when he put his pillows on his feet and he jumped on the washing but he thought he caught the bear.
I liked this story because his dad was was snoring but he thought it was a bear.
Monday, 21 October 2013
Persuasive Writing
In New Zealand we should have school Monday to Thursday because there might be something important or a birthday party you got invited to .
And Thursday should be a relaxing day and we should have a break from learning. Four days is enough days for school,and We should have fun
At home with our parents.
The only reason i don't agree is that we have a four day weekend instead of two thats so short because we don't get a break from learning. learning is so hard and we only have 2 days.
we should have more days like 4 or 3 no one likes 2 days for a weekend that is so so so so boring just 2 days. And don't agree 2 days thats boring 4 or 3 days is way better and funner because we get more days to relax and more days to sleep in. And we have more things to write about when you come back to school.
The only reason i don't agree is that we have a four day weekend instead of two thats so short because we don't get a break from learning. learning is so hard and we only have 2 days.
we should have more days like 4 or 3 no one likes 2 days for a weekend that is so so so so boring just 2 days. And don't agree 2 days thats boring 4 or 3 days is way better and funner because we get more days to relax and more days to sleep in. And we have more things to write about when you come back to school.
Thursday, 17 October 2013
Immersion assembly
On one beautiful day it was the beginning of school we always go to the hall
to watch teachers do their acts our new topic name is what in the world is going
on. Team one did foxes it was a bit funny because it had funny music and funny
masks team two. Is learning about guesses and all kinds of that stuff.
Team three had a pancake challenge the “was the best act ever’’ because they were
handing out pancakes with whipped cream i never got some pancakes team four learned
about farming they did lmfao but a farming version it was cool. after the immersion assembly year 5s did jump jam!!!
Immersion Assembly Term 4 from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
MY 2013 HOLIDAYS !!!
On a very fun holiday we went to Inflatable world its the best play land on earth. There is heaps of balls that you can go in and do tricks and sumo wrestling and there is a game where you get two soft stick and you whack
you're opponent until they fall of this little cushion. My favorite thing was the balls because you do heaps of tricks in them.
After we left inflatable world we all put in 20$ each to go the the movies. We watched Grown Ups 2 the funny part was when the bus driver was sleeping in the bus and in K mart in one of the beds. And he got beaten up buy a teenaged gang and leny taking out a deer out of his house.
After the movies we went to have some dinner at the look out point where you can see marvelous planes landing. We saw about 5 planes landing and 3 planes taking off. We felt the rumble of the planes taking off, you can get blown away from a planes mufflers.
My hollidays was fun what about yours!!!
After we left inflatable world we all put in 20$ each to go the the movies. We watched Grown Ups 2 the funny part was when the bus driver was sleeping in the bus and in K mart in one of the beds. And he got beaten up buy a teenaged gang and leny taking out a deer out of his house.
After the movies we went to have some dinner at the look out point where you can see marvelous planes landing. We saw about 5 planes landing and 3 planes taking off. We felt the rumble of the planes taking off, you can get blown away from a planes mufflers.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Friday, 20 September 2013
Skypeing my penpow
On Thursday I skyped my buddy from australia. It was nice to meet my partner, And he had some tricky questions that he asked me. And i had some very easy questions that i asked him like what's your favorite cartoon
and what's your favorite food and what’s your favorite restaurant. And his name is Jack and he lives in sydney australia and there school is a catholic school.
Michael Skype from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Thursday, 19 September 2013
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Esther continues
In todays story we learned about Esther...
Mordicie was so sad so he was ripping all has cloths and maybe he had ash on his head.
Because he was a jue and if you were a jue you will die. When queen Esther came to the king we
put he wand up and queen Esther was safe because she was a jue and she was safe.
I was the king miss hure was the queen and mrs clarke was mordicie and jalen was the servent and josh was the messenger
Mordicie was so sad so he was ripping all has cloths and maybe he had ash on his head.
Because he was a jue and if you were a jue you will die. When queen Esther came to the king we
put he wand up and queen Esther was safe because she was a jue and she was safe.
I was the king miss hure was the queen and mrs clarke was mordicie and jalen was the servent and josh was the messenger
Friday, 13 September 2013
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
Youth Town
Today year 5 went to Youth Town, it was fun because there was ping pong, pool and art. The first thing we had to do is put our bags into this room and all the non swimmers went to a special room it had ping pong and pool. We played so much that we still thought it was the beginning of the trip.
My mum was a parent helper it was cool because she played ping pong with us. She is very hard to beat,even in pool once i bet my mum. Next we went painting they teachers teaches us how to do printmaking. It was a bit hard but we got there.
My mum was a parent helper it was cool because she played ping pong with us. She is very hard to beat,even in pool once i bet my mum. Next we went painting they teachers teaches us how to do printmaking. It was a bit hard but we got there.
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Esther continues...
Today in C.R.E we learned about more about Esther...
The guards made a planed to kill king Zexres And When Mordiecie told king Zerxes He hanged those Gards.
The guards made a planed to kill king Zexres And When Mordiecie told king Zerxes He hanged those Gards.
Our Debate
On Monday our reading group did a debate. We did a debate about should Pt England school wear school uniforms. We were Against that means we are saying yes we should wear school uniforms. The other group is saying no we should not wear school uniform.
A debate is a form of argument and a debate is what lawyers do
and it was hard to write all the ideas.
Friday, 6 September 2013
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
Play Refelcon
On Monday our whole class had to do plays. I was the boss of my team and we had to do where is the. Driver i was the runner and Kyan was the clown and. Mele was the cook and Harlem was the child and Ashley was the prime minister. We all practiced reading and some of us knew it off by heart.
The first play that they did i had butterflies in my stomach. I was worried and i was shaking with fear. As it was our turn we had to make a bus it was with chairs and we did our play.
Monday, 2 September 2013
My Warriors Weekend!
On a existing weekend me my Dad and my brother went to the Warriors vs Raiders game. When the Raiders came out everyone yelled BOO but when the Warriors came out every yelled yay. When the game started it sounded painful because i could here a big slap and everyone went OOO. Some people got injured in the first half because they were in the way and we got a photo with Manu Vatu Vie.
This guy from the Raiders chipped and it went high and Munu Vatu Vie jumped for the ball and got a try! The 2nd try was a runaway on the sideline And the whole crowd yelled go go go. Everyone cheered i was happy because we were winning, And another outstanding player was Shawn Johnson.
Shawn Johnson got 3 tries and one of them was a runaway and one of them was a dive jump and one of them was a safe try! The Raiders were cheating because one of them elbowed Kevin Locke in the face. Everyone yelled Boo to the Raiders when they got that try. And hepes of people on the 2nd half got injured most of them was the Raiders.
At the end some of the Warriors left and it was a bummer that they had to leave.
Thursday, 29 August 2013
Basketball to day
On Thursday we had basketball. We had a warm up we did line tigy it was so fun because 2 people had to get a ball and start tagging people. After our warm up we learned how to do a pocket and then block. So we did that for a little while.
After that we learned how to jump stop and put ball into the pocket and then shot It was a bit hard but we got there. And i got shot to my partner.
My partner Passed the ball but i always goes off angel. And it almost hit somebody in the face.
After was had a challenge,we had to get how many points we could get. I got none but it is ok because it is just a game. We had a tie because we had heaps of good shooters in our team like me im good at shooting and i hope i do better next time.
Please leave me a comment!!!
Monday, 26 August 2013
Cross contry
As it was the 9 year old boys turn all of us had to stand in a straight line and. Mr Burt had to give us some instructions. He said don't cut corners and don't cheat i was nervous And i was shaking with fear. And Mr Burt said take your marks get set go and all of the boys were starting to sprint. And all of the mud flinged everywhere and there was water everywhere and we had to
run through it.
As we were in the middle of the fun i was coming in the middle but my foot sank into the. Mud and it was hard to get my leg out. Then i was coming last then i started sprinting my throat dried up and it felt like i couldn't breath. Then i called up to some people they were Shelford Kyan and Tihi and i beat them because i was in the front of them.
I hope i do better next year and i have a better run next year.
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
Our debate
On Tuesday we did a debate a debate is a form of argument and that is what lawyers do. And I learned about this form of argument and this is how it goes. So you have to get into a group and the first group had to be for that is they say yes and against is no they don't agree. And we were having a argument of George Porgy because he kissed the girls and killed them and that is how we did the dabate.
My d abate
I think that Georgie Porgie should have kissed the girls because he was rich and he likes kissing the girls. And i think the girls liked him because he was a showoff
and he had heaps of money. And sometimes he wold kissed the girls and made them die. And maybe he was practicing kissing girls And maybe he was so smelly that he could kill someone. And did you know that he was born in 1698 thats a long time ago. And maybe when they are Kissing he stabs them And maybe he dumps them alot and they cry and maybe he killed them with a gun.
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Loving and Caring
Monday, 19 August 2013
George Porgy
I think that george porgy should've kissed the girls because. He was rich and he likes kissing the girls and i think the girls liked. Him because he was a showoff
and he had heaps of money. And he kissed the girls and made them die and maybe
he was practising kissing. And maybe he was so smelly and could kill someone and he was born in 1698 thats a long time. and maybe when they are kissing he stabs them. And maybe he dumps them a lot and they cry. or maybe he killed them with a gun
Thursday, 15 August 2013
Incey wincey Spider
This is my animation of a nursery rhyme.
Michael New Project from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Wednesday, 14 August 2013
Peer pressure is someone that pressures you to do something bad or good. Your peer is someone that is close to your age and your age. Aggressive is when you finish a thing in a violent way. passive is communicating with your friend and your family assertive is something important.
Thursday, 8 August 2013
The 3 little bears
Once upon a time there was 3 bears one was adopted from The mum bear and the dad bear. This bear wasn't a bear it was a little lamb. One day they went for a walk thru the forest suddenly they found a house it was goldilocks house. So they went inside and there was porege so the lamb eat the whole thing up.
After they went into the lounge there was 3 chairs so the little lamb just sat on the couch and watched tv. Suddenly the door swung open and it was the big bad wolf. The big bad wolf attacked the lamb and then goldilocks opened the door and yelled GET OUT and then the bears ran away.
Please leave me a comment !!!
Please leave me a comment !!!
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
Being CyberSmart
We are learning to be cyber smart. It is really important to never give out your phone number or address or your last name. Another thing is do not type in bad or silly things on the computer. If you see any thing you want to click on dont because it might be rude or silly.
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
C.R.E today
Mrs Clarke comes into our classroom every Tuesday afternoon. We have learned lots of different things like: songs and stories!
Monday, 5 August 2013
Term 3's assembly
In the morning all of our class came back from their holiday to school. After that we went to the hall for performances and welcomes from all the teachers. The first act was team one, they did a quiz About fairy tales the Teacher that did the questions was Mr Leofou. the first one was a witch And the 2nd one was the lady with the green frog. And the last one was the three little pigs.
The next performance was team 2 they had a hippy a hip hop dancer and ballerina. They did dancing to old school songs like grease lighting and Michael Jackson. The next performance was team 3 the did a love show and the characters were sleeping beauty and cinderella kate and more they started talking and then they got off the stage to pick who they liked.
The next performance was from team 4. They acted out the three little pigs story. The first little pig built a house out of hay and he got caught by the wolf and the wolf eat the pig up! The 2nd little pig built a house out of sticks and the big bad wolf eat up the 2nd little pig. The 3rd little pig built a house out of bricks and the wolf huff and puffed and didn't blow the house down.
The next performance was team 2 they had a hippy a hip hop dancer and ballerina. They did dancing to old school songs like grease lighting and Michael Jackson. The next performance was team 3 the did a love show and the characters were sleeping beauty and cinderella kate and more they started talking and then they got off the stage to pick who they liked.
The next performance was from team 4. They acted out the three little pigs story. The first little pig built a house out of hay and he got caught by the wolf and the wolf eat the pig up! The 2nd little pig built a house out of sticks and the big bad wolf eat up the 2nd little pig. The 3rd little pig built a house out of bricks and the wolf huff and puffed and didn't blow the house down.
Thursday, 1 August 2013
Holly kisses the frog
There was a little girl and her mum read her a bedtime story about a girl that kisses a frog.
The next day it was raining and when they had breakfast the rain stopped and she wanted to go for a swim. But her mum said that they didn't have a swimming pool. And when she went outside
she saw a frog and she started yelling at it to go away. Then she kissed the frog and the frog turned into an ugly prince and she kissed the frog again and it turned back into a frog.

Monday, 29 July 2013
Thursday, 11 July 2013
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
Antarctic treaty
Antatarca is not owned by anyone. There are bases set up there like South America,Japan,Australia,Argentina,Belgium,Russia,France,New Zealand. Antarctica has a treaty about all of those countries to build their bases their. The person that built the New Zealand base which is named the scott base was Sir Edmund Hillary.
Thursday, 4 July 2013
Kelly Tarltons
Today is the day Team 5 go on their school trip to Kelly Tarltons, HooRay! When the bell rang, Miss Lavakula had to split the class into parent helper groups. I was excited because my mum was one of the parent helpers. Now it was off to the hall to have a quick prayer and head off to Kelly Tarltons. In my mum’s group was Me, Harlem, Ashley, Josh and Jessica.
As soon as we came back we all had a good time we love going to underwater world. We felt excited when we came back because all of us had to write and had lunch.
As soon as we arrived at Kelly Tarltons, we went into the Aquarium Room. We learned heaps of interesting facts about Antarctica like the kind of clothes explorers wore, how it’s the coldest place on earth and a lot of awesome facts about penguins. My favorite thing about the penguins was when the penguins molt and they get really grumpy. Molt is when penguins start pulling all their fur out so new fur can grow. Can you believe they have 17 lots of fur? Did you know Sir Edmund Hillary made Scotts base in Antarctica for NZ explorers to stay, and it is painted Green to remember New Zealand. I also found out that the Emperor penguins are the tallest penguins and are the boss of all the penguins.
After the Aquarium Room, we traveled to Okahu Bay to have morning tea. I had a sausage roll then it was playtime with Harlem. We went onto the flying fox then onto the boat then the rope rock climbing and the swings. It was so much fun because the playground was way cooler then the playground back at school and morning tea was way longer.
We headed back to Kelly Tarltons after morning tea to explore the wonderful underwater world. The first thing we looked at was the penguins swimming. Some of them were standing on ice it was crazy even they swam to us standing by the glass. The penguins were massive and we entered this weird tunnel it had heaps of sharks,fish,little nemos and more. Even room 13 and 16 had a look around at the stingray and the big fish. After we looked at those things we looked at the crayfish and the glowing sea horses and the blue fish. My favorite animal was the penguins and the stingray.
As soon as we came back we all had a good time we love going to underwater world. We felt excited when we came back because all of us had to write and had lunch.
Wednesday, 3 July 2013
Friday, 28 June 2013
Football 2
On a exciting day my teacher said that there was going to be football. As soon i heard that i was so pumped up but our teacher said we had to do the roll. I could not wait much longer because i wanted to kick a ball around. Our teacher said line up and i lined up so fast and off we went to wonderful football.
As soon as we got there we did octopus 2 times and we played another type of octopus but with a ball. We had to pick a partner i picked Harlem because he is super good at soccer. One of our partners had to stand in the middle and one had to kick the ball. It was hard because we had to spin around and look backwards and sit down it was kind of hard but the good thing is that we had fun.|
After that we had a real game of soccer it was kind of fun because we got all of the good guys. They played very good i played good because i got the ball heaps of times. Our team was yellow bibs all of our games was a tie. I love soccer and all of us love soccer.
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