
Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Pourquoi Story

Once there was a dog named Jack, him and his owner always played fetch. The owners name was Josh. They loved doing everything together but one day when Jack was 7 years old and Josh was 17 years. Josh got a letter, it was from the Army Forces, so Jack was just waiting and waiting and waiting. On Monday he left him, On Tuesday he was sick of hoping, Wednesday his stick was just laying there. So he just ran and ran and ran. Jack ran for 4 days straight.

On Sunday he was in the War zone he was frightened, So he just lay down like he was dead. But he said to himself “No I will not feel pain’’. So Jack got up, He had pins and needles in his left leg but he just kept on running.  

As he was running a big rocket blew up right in front of Jack. He had injured his leg but when he thought about it he just got stronger and stronger. The rocket even blew off his butt. But he was thankful because it just made him faster. While he was running he saw a man that looked just like Josh so Jack got excited.  

He ran his fastest till his leg got cramped up, he fell over and just felt like giving up. He said to himself “I could really use my butt right now’’.  So jack ran and started looking for his butt but it was in a compound where all the injured soldiers were in but it was sewed on to another solders butt. But he just focused on his owner Josh.

And he saw josh with no leg and was sad then he ran up to Josh and sniffed him and it was Josh. So Jack dragged Josh to safety then they lived a happy life at home. But Jack just remembered something his butt. So Josh took him to the butt store and brought him a new butt. It was green. And that's why dogs sniff butts.  

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