Wednesday, 10 December 2014
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Voice over and Animation
I choose the artist gustav galaboty and his painting misty weather. The reason I choose that painting is because it has heaps of space to do any idea that you want. So i did a assassin attacking a man that just got out of an carriage and started walking so the assassin jumped off the highest point in town and killed him. We had a challenge of drawing the 80’s clothes it was one of the biggest challenges yet. So i drew my man in a suit i tried my best and thats what I got.
Michael Animation from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Friday, 28 November 2014
The wildlife was amazing because i saw wallabies Keas fan tailed birds and A Weka. The wildlife changes when you sailing like the birds change and even animals.
First of all we went for this massive as hike we all thought it’ll be easy but honestly it was torcher. We had to climb up this hill it was called killer hill. When everyone was climbing all you could “hear was the sound of petrifying breathing’’. All our legs hurt especially our calfs. When we got to the top it was so so so painful i “just felt like fainting’’. After that we all had a break at this place where there was this big pile of rocks and we added on to keep the flow going.
We went to this amazing beach were all the rocks lived we even saw the big melted rocks i threw heaps and heaps into the water. When we got back we went for a swim it was cold and very refreshing. If you jump off the Wharf it will take a long time to get up.
As we got out of the water we had a shower. After our shower we had heaps of free time. I hung out in my cabin with Harlem , Johnlee, Josh and Jalen. So i said “I'm going to go outside’’ We were all playing baseball volley and even rugby. There was this big as playground that most of the kids were playing on. They told us to come in and get ready for the night of your life. THE 2014 CAMP CONCERT !!!!!!
We were all nerves at start but we gained some confidence. Next it was my group, My group was called Kawau. When Kawau did their performance and we were all Proud of ourselves. After that we went to bed.
I had a really good sleep the next morning it was our last day at Kawau island. So we did so many activities like Volley, (Bush) Baseball, Swimming And morning tea. After that we did all those activities we sat in the place where we sat for the first time. So the fairy came and we left . Some people just sit and get teary eyed. When we got back to school we saw our families waiting for us we were all happy.

Mikes movie from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Thursday, 27 November 2014
Thursday, 6 November 2014
Thursday, 30 October 2014
Being A good friend...
What is A friend ?
Whats a friend to me hmmm well I think its looking out for each other and have each others back every time. Also being a good friend is to help, hangout or play with each other those are the things you mostly do every now and then. Its also about leadership and respect, like when your friends “talking to you’’ don't ignore listen thats when your friend knows you are being respectful to him/her.
I have four friends and they respect me and I respect them and when we play or hang out we play sensible. I like keeping friends not losing them because one day ill have only one friend or even none “that will be lonely’’. A part of being a good friend is your opinion towards them because they might be mean, friendly, violent and scary !!! Even when your friends playing rugby and you're watching them cheer that might make him/her feel better and happy.
Being humble to your friend is like if you lose in a rugby game and they're all cheering be a good sport. The cool thing about A friend is that you get someone’s company instead of being lonely. Sometimes its good to have a break every now and then because it's kind of annoying when your friend keeps on following you around.
Being helpful is really kind and respectful and even to you mum and your dad even your friend. Its really nice having friends but hey you know how many friends i have and you have just picked up some of my advice hope you have enjoyed it. No wait theres one more thing kindness is the key to a better life because treat people how you would want to be treated.
Thanks for read my story about being a good friend and hope you enjoyed it and so there you have it my advice and hope i do more stories...
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Sun smart
W.A.L.T Rework a Paragraph
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
The three kete
Friday, 17 October 2014
Capital letters
Capital letters are important because if you're in a test and don't even do one capital letter you’ll fail. Another way to use capital letters is a name of a place or after a full stop even if someones talking use punctuation and capital letters. You have to use capital letters in your writing because if you're going for like let’s just say you're going for the school newspaper and if they read it and you don't have capitals in the right place they will throw yours away.
Names of geographical places like Australia, Tonga, Fiji, or an place like Wellington or Auckland. Banking is a place and a name of a thing. The reason those thing’s have to have a capital letter in the beginning is because they're famous or there anything thats important to your country.
New person speaking is like if your mum says “can you do the dishes’’ and you “respond ok mum’’ thats a new person talking. The person saying ok mum is a new person talking. When you talk in your story there always needs to have explanation marks and if its like a yell you do a capital and explanation mark.
So use capital letters in your writing or else your fail in tests and fail in something your going for like your school newspaper or your exam if you're in high school. Even punctuation you use capitals sometimes so remember!!!
WALT: Put capital letters in the right places and putting punctuation in good peaces of writing.
A brand like Nike and Vans have to have upper case letters in the beginning because it’s and name of something. Like our names there proper nouns even Nike and Vans, are proper nouns. A brand could even be a trademark like Mcdonalds Wendys or Kfc but people just say there just A trademark.
Names of geographical places like Australia, Tonga, Fiji, or an place like Wellington or Auckland. Banking is a place and a name of a thing. The reason those thing’s have to have a capital letter in the beginning is because they're famous or there anything thats important to your country.
New person speaking is like if your mum says “can you do the dishes’’ and you “respond ok mum’’ thats a new person talking. The person saying ok mum is a new person talking. When you talk in your story there always needs to have explanation marks and if its like a yell you do a capital and explanation mark.
Topic paragraph: Punctuation is the main thing in your story it is mostly used by people talking, when someones new talking and when people need to have some breaths. Even when you list things like a name of A day or name of a person. A name has always has to have a capital letter in the beginning.
So use capital letters in your writing or else your fail in tests and fail in something your going for like your school newspaper or your exam if you're in high school. Even punctuation you use capitals sometimes so remember!!!
WALT: Put capital letters in the right places and putting punctuation in good peaces of writing.
Thursday, 25 September 2014
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
MICHAELS ANIMATION from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Monday, 22 September 2014
Friday, 12 September 2014
Newspaper artical
Lead: Why are they getting new teachers and do you like your new teacher so im going to ask why you like your new teacher and what you like about your teacher they may like her or not like her.
Paragraph 1: Little kids are coming into Point England school to learn about maths writing and reading. They need to get a future and be a success when they get older and wiser. Why do you think this will help you when you're older and they might say no/yes.
Paragraph 2: They are getting new teachers and some have been here ever since we were year 1. And the little kids are so lucky to have a teacher for so long here like there even been here ever since 2005.
Paragraph 3: The little kids have cool new teachers so my question will be do you like your new teacher ? Little kid have been get an opportunity to have a brand new teacher but i wonder do they like her/him?
Conclusion: So it was so cool interviewing these amazing little kids and Hopefully they grow up kind and smart.
WHEN 10:30
Wednesday, 10 September 2014
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
New Project 1 from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Hi my name is Michael and i have created. It is named rugget ball, the reason I created this sport is because me my cousin and brother tried it out after my rugby game. The equipment you need is a rugby ball, a team, good team players and a basketball court. The objective of the game: Get heaps of points and be fair and honest with your points because there is no ref to count your games.
You have to look weird to enter this competition or else they will say no you can not enter this competition. But if you look so so so so so weird they will say sorry no professionals.
Escape for Afghanistan
1) Why did the family in the story leave Afghanistan? Because there was war and they wanted A better life.
2) Why didn’t the kid in the story go to school? Because the government changed so the dad didn't want her/him to go to school.
3) How did the kid in the story lean to read and write? She learned from her dad she was home schooled.
4) What is the capital of Afghanistan? Cabal
5) Describe the toilet on the boat. It is a big hole and no privacy
6) How did they first know something was wrong on their journey to Christmas island? The boat kept on stopping and going.
7) What was the ship from Norway called? Red sky
8) Where did they go after Papua New Guinea? New Zealand
9) Who got to go to New Zealand? The family
Tuesday, 19 August 2014
surviving on a boat
In our reading group we read this story this story was about people couped up in a small boat .
If i was in that situation ill just jump off the boat but if it was to survive ill push my way throw and rest on the logitech. But if i had to go toilet ill just do it some were id rather have heaps of privacy that i could get. But if i saw a flair and a plane ill strate away shoot it.
Here is a photo that might look like what happend on that boat
If i was in that situation ill just jump off the boat but if it was to survive ill push my way throw and rest on the logitech. But if i had to go toilet ill just do it some were id rather have heaps of privacy that i could get. But if i saw a flair and a plane ill strate away shoot it.
Here is a photo that might look like what happend on that boat
Monday, 18 August 2014
Travel to Afghanistan
I think crammed up for 5 days will be anoying tyring to go toilet and cant sleep and geting wet every minnit and the worst part is staying in the same Poussin for the rest of a month. If you were in that situwatin what will you do i will sit onn all the logige and wate till we get there.
Friday, 15 August 2014
Thursday, 14 August 2014
New Project 1 from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
This is a kind of bowling called bosha i learnd about it today
Tuesday, 12 August 2014
Diamante poem
Hi this is A Diamante poem that Mrs Garden gave us. It was so cool to make but really devistateing because it was about war. War is sad to work on but this activity was fun so enjoy my poem.
Please leave me some feed back
Monday, 11 August 2014
Friday, 8 August 2014
Wednesday, 6 August 2014
Let the games begin
Introduction: Mountain biking one of my favorite sports in glasgow commonwealth games 2014 the reason i like mountain biking is because there's heaps of falls and expression they even fly in the air and go deep into a pit well thats what i think. I don't know when mountain biking first started but i know when it came out heaps of people liked it.
Paragraph 1
Mountain Biking: Mountain Biking is A really difficult sport because you ride over dirt hills and down dirt pits. I think my favorite Mountain biker is Ryan sipe. The reason I like Ryan Sipe is that he is an all time medalist he’s won most of his mountain biking competitions and it says that he’s been mountain biking most of his career. I even found out that he is number one in the world in men’s mountain biking.
Paragraph 2
He’s australian and australia is coming first in Glasgow so far. They have won 89 Gold 58 Silver and 39 Bronze and that adds up to 186 medals thats a lot but who might overtake them this year.
Paragraph 3
Rugby 7’s: Rugby 7’s is one of the sports I know about actually one of the sports I know most about I even know the rules about it. So here are the rules No fourdpasses, You can chatch the ball from the out line and throw it back in. There are knock on’s that means no losing the ball ford. You even have to use your mouth if you want the ball for example You call “Hey im open’’ They will pass it to you straight away.
Commonwealth games is A difficult sport So good luck to all of thoseThat are there And GO NZ
Juicy words
Interesting hook
Has the wow factor
Monday, 28 July 2014
Tuesday, 22 July 2014
Thursday, 3 July 2014
Super strength
Once there was A superhero named Super Strength he loves Watching TV, Eating Snacks, Saving people’s lives and Smashing people up. His weakness is Sunlight, veggies, hammers, sinks and Hobos. He is wanted in every city in the world but people hate him in Russia. He was born from A planet named gluten his family had superpowers but not as great as his. He defeated the purge aliens and blew up their planet but he almost blew up their planet so he got kicked out and moved to our planet and his first country was Russa he loved their food and there personality. One time there was A girl named girlie she fall of the building so Super strengths senses tingled so he super jumped and caught girlie every one saw him so they started liking him. People thought he was A loser with A cape and goggles and abs but he wasn'tm he was the man. When he walks everyone follows him and one time there were drunk people on A lake edge.
He saw one person fall off there were big pointy rocks he Yelled AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH so Super Strength jumped and bumped him into the river and he landed on the rocks. HE WAS DEAD but people never found his body but there was blood so everyone off his planet came and used their superpowers to lift him up from the ground but they were lifting rocks. They found his body...
STAY tuned for part 2
Will Super strength stay alive...
Wednesday, 2 July 2014
My Titanic animation
Michaels animation from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Friday, 27 June 2014
Wednesday, 25 June 2014
There were five boys that liked going on adventures and once they found out that there was A mysterious island. So they packed all their stuff and called A cab to come and pick them up when they got to the airport they asked if they could get 5 tickets to go to An island located here. The man said that island is not real so they set sail on a boat. They keeped on sailing and they saw a big storm in the middle of the ocean so when they rode in the back of the ship blew off and caught on fire so all of them baled. When they woke up they were all covered in sand so they saw A big jungle. This was the start of their adventure they were walking around in the jungle and there found dinosaur’s, Small tigers And more weird species.
Monday, 23 June 2014
Michael, Owen And Junior's DLO
Michael, Owen, and Junior titanic movie from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Hi there Here is our DLO that we have created About the Titanic. We Are trying to Remember History of the largest and powerful ship in 1912 to 1915. Please Leave Me Some Feed back.Friday, 6 June 2014
Thursday, 5 June 2014
The Titanic claimed the unsinkable why is it named that and why did it sink and the big question is who’s fault is it costing peoples lifes...
Henry awoken from his sleep we went outside to clear his head it was silent he could just hear the sound of waves slapping the boat side. He went inside he was freezing cold he jumped back in bed and tried hard to sleep. He jumped out of bed and went outside he saw all these icebergs passing by then he saw one iceberg we were just going closer and closer until wack ice fell on Henry. Henry ran inside he woke his wife up they both ran to the lifeboats Henry’s wife’s name was Jared. They both tried to get into A lifeboat then the captain came out and said to Henry ‘’get out of the lifeboat only women and children allowed’’ Henry saw people just sitting there waiting to die Jared Yelled out NO PLEASE NO PLEASE. Henry went and took more people off the boat the women yelled ‘’NO NO LEAVE HIM ALONE’’ the men started getting tears in their eyes so when all the lifeboats dropped the ship started to lift so the people that were waiting to die they just jumped off the boat and got crushed by the Titanic. Henry saw the life boats leaving so he jumped he landed on one of the lifeboats everyone cheered people tried to grab on to dreckig then SNAP the Titanic snapped Henry and Jared could see people falling off then cayuse struck the boat DAN DAN DAAAAA...
Friday, 30 May 2014
Thursday, 29 May 2014
Friday, 23 May 2014
Three Awsome boats
This was the ikas task it is about how much the boat how long it was and what the width was. As you can see i have only done 3 boats one is A basket boat,drag boat and jet ski. When you look at this picture two of these boats are fast and one is made for fishing. One of my favorite boats in this picture is the drag boat. I like the drag boat because it is fast and it has lots of design...
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
The weird house in the middle of no were....
On A pitch black night 2 kids went trick or treating in the middle of no wear, for hours the two kids were looking for A house. Then they saw A light blaze A distance away so the two boys sprinted to the house. As they pressed the doorbell the door swung open and almost hit the the two boys they yelled out ‘’HAHAHAHAHAHAHA’’. They heard A man say ‘’get out of my house get out of my house’’. The two kids said where's my candy bro he replied ‘’come hear’’ the kids were following the sound. Then they heard something crack, It was filled with candy the kids went crazy then a man walked out of a bed room. He looked freaky when the 2 kids saw the man they ran away when he on the lights he looked like A nerd.
The 2 kids went back and saw him they started laughing their guts out they said ‘’we thought you were A criminal’’ the man said ‘’well i'm not i tried to open the door but it swung open and the thing that dropped was my candy bowl so i hid in my room and then you guys ran away’’ then the kids said ‘’but you yelling to us doesn't cut it’’ Then the man said ‘’oooooo i thought you guys were robbing my house’’. So the two little boys said ‘’well bye then’’ the man replied ‘’bye’’.
Monday, 19 May 2014
In A city of destruction there was A life saver named super glue he could stick baddies to brick walls and he can melt his self. Once there was A baddy stealing money Super glue yelled ‘’HEY GET OUT OF THERE’’ the baddey tried to make A run for it but super glue was swing on power post’s. While he was swing A cop saw every thing he did so the cop called in the S.W.A.T team. The S.W.A.T team Yelled out ‘’stop criminal’’ super glue had no choice so he sprayed super glue onto the S.W.A.T teams wheels the van flipped like A plastic bottle so an helicopter came the cop yelled out ‘’YOU HAVE NO CHANCE OF SURVIVING’’ super glue just stopped and stood there looking at the hard concrete. The swat arrested him for 20 years...
The first year he was in jail he was so bored, At night he heard something crack on to the ground super glue woke from his sleep. It was A prisoner super glue said ‘’What are you doing’’ the robber ignored what he said and jumped out the window. Super glue just remembered that he had melting glue so he melted the prison bars and ran after that man the bells rang and one of the cops said super glue escaped so the called the army and the S.W.A.T to chase those two criminals the man the tried to escaped was so so so so dangerous. The army had to get tanks to get them because super glue kept flipping army vans,cars and some tanks. When he catched the robber the cops yelled stop he grabbed the robber and gave it to the cops all of the forces that were there said thank you and gave him A badge.

The first year he was in jail he was so bored, At night he heard something crack on to the ground super glue woke from his sleep. It was A prisoner super glue said ‘’What are you doing’’ the robber ignored what he said and jumped out the window. Super glue just remembered that he had melting glue so he melted the prison bars and ran after that man the bells rang and one of the cops said super glue escaped so the called the army and the S.W.A.T to chase those two criminals the man the tried to escaped was so so so so dangerous. The army had to get tanks to get them because super glue kept flipping army vans,cars and some tanks. When he catched the robber the cops yelled stop he grabbed the robber and gave it to the cops all of the forces that were there said thank you and gave him A badge.

Super glue was named A life saver and A hero, the army said would you like to be with us superglue said yes so the saved trouble and mayhem.
Wednesday, 14 May 2014
My Reading follow up
Michael animaton from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Thursday, 8 May 2014
immersion assembly...
The first day of the term was so cool because I could talk to my friends and have fun on the play ground. But i’ll tell you something thats not boring our enthusiastic assembly, Mr Burt was dressed up in A clown costume and welcomed us back to Pt.England. Mr Burt was throwing mini rugby balls into the crowed all of us was siked to be at school. As we were watching Mr Burt was putting balloons onto A taxi that has been on his desk for years. After he did his performance teachers went onto the stage to tell the kids what they're topic was. The most outstanding one for me was Team 5 and Team 4. Why you ask because there ones were the most interesting.
It was all about flight and sound I like the sound one because we could all listen to music and I like the flight one because it told us how thing work like air crafts and other stuff. As we left we had to go for our run we had to do one lap around the field as we walked to class everyone was chatting to their friends.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014
My wonderful holliday
On A bright sunny day me my aunty and my mum and brother and my cousin went to Rainbows End first we all got up with joy got changed and had our breakfast then we left. When we got there we all saw the new ride named the stratosfear. As I was looking at the stratosfear I heard heaps of people screaming their heads off. The first ride that me and my family went on was the pirate ship I gave me butterflies in my stomach just from looking at it. As we were waiting we were watching the go carts speeding buy then we heard the lady say everyone keep hands in the ride at all times and please stay seated as we were going faster I closed my eyes tight and when we got here we got off and I felt dizzy. The second ride the we went on was bumper cars when we went on them I smashed every one. When I smashed my cosin John he Said ‘’come on man for the bradas’’ and I said na and when he smashed me I yelled out AHHHHHHHH. When we finished we went on the rollercoaster my cosin John said ‘’I HATE THE DROP’’ and I said ‘’WHY WHAT'S SO SCARY ABOUT IT’’ and he said you'll see. When we went on it I YELLED ‘’AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH’’ when we hit the drop. This loop made me feel like I was going to fall off.

As we exited the ride me and my brother said can we go on the invader my mum said ‘’yup’’ so as we sat down a cushion smashed my back hard just to keep us safe. As the invader was spinning we just kept on going faster and faster until I started to yell out ‘’AHHHHHHHHHHHHH’’. When we went off I felt dizzy so my aunt asked me’’ do you want A drink’’ I replied ‘’yes please’’. After we had A drink we went to moshen master it whipped me around like A rubber band. You had to wear 3d glasses, when we left the ride me my aunt and my cousin went on the go carts as it was my turn i didn't know how to put on the seat belt on of the ladies had to help. When they said go I floored it and it went fast I was happy because it was just like driving A bumper car but there was A big ring around the wheels to keep the cart safe. As light turned red we had to park up into the driveway for all of the go carts. When we left my Mums band started to rip so we had to go get her A new one but when we went to go get her A band my aunty and my cousin went on to the stratosfear. When we came out they were already finished so we left to the invader again so after we went on we were dizzy so my brother wanted to go on to the log fume so me and my cousin went onto the go carts. As we lined up my Mum Aunty and my Brother said ‘’only night rides only’’ and I replied ‘’no they are giving us A turn’’ so they opened the gate and we went around the track then every on was lining up for night rides.
After we went rainbows end we went to a lovely feast and we went dennys we were so hungry after dennys we went to my house to pick up our PJ’s and we all had our showers and we had A sleepover at my nana’s and we were playing games. We played Halo reach after I played A little of little of it I went to sleep.
Click here if you want to know what rainbows end is.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014
Mini book reveiw
My book is about A little boy that gets anything he wants for his birthdays he gets payed 1.000.00$ but he says thats small. That little boy has no manners and he go’s the restaurants every night. He gets anything he wants like A school in his backyard A race track rocket ships and even A manchon.
Butterfly Lifecycle
Monday, 14 April 2014
Friday, 11 April 2014

Monday, 7 April 2014
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
This book is about A little girl that has A step Mum and the step Mum is so lazy she asks the little girl to make her something or even pick her nose. When the Dad comes home shes up on her feet pretending to vacuum.
Monday, 31 March 2014
Once there were two boys they walked into A extraordinary game store there were heaps of games and controllers but they really wanted to get this game called WWE 2K14. It has heaps of wrestling superstars and wrestling legends. As they were leaving the saw A game helmet the sign said get yours today only 10$. Jack said to Drake ‘’should we get it’’ he said with exasperation. So they grabbed two of those helmets and walked up to the counter the man said you guys come here every day to buy games and controllers why is that the man said in A very suspicious voice Jack Answered and said because ‘’we always lose our games and always break our controllers’’. So the man said would you like sweet EB games cards they yelled YES !!! so the man said to them what's your first name and last name the man said they said Jack and Drake. He said take your cards and have A good day.
When they got home the put their helmets on and put the game in and started playing with it they said the is awesome Jack said After 8 hours of playing games there was A little glitch with the helmets and the glitch took Drake and Jack into the game. Jack said ‘’Where are we’’ said Jack and Josh replied ‘’I don't know’’ they saw A little light and the walked down steps and Drake and Jack said look there is Batista and The shield. They looked at themselves and Jack was John cena and Drake was randy orton They ran into the ring and started beating up the Shield then Drake did the RKO on to Roman regines.
When they got sucked out of the game they were amazed. Now every day now they always go in to the game and one day they were on TV the were so siked that they were on TV.
Thursday, 27 March 2014
Coordinate challenge.
This Is A Concordats sheet That Me And My Friend Cyrus did If you want to do it click on it. Hope you enjoy.
Swimming 2014
Swimming is one of my favorite sports or should I say one of my best sports. Mr S’s maths class always goes swimming every day. It’s extraordinary because we have instructors that teach us how to swim and be confident in the water. The first time that Mr S’s maths class went swimming we had to do A swimming test so they know which group to put us in. They put me in group three which is the highest swimming group. The next day we came we had to get our togs and go to the pool’s. When we got there I said to myself ‘’ahh it’s good to be back’’ So we had to rinse ourselves off and we hoped in the pool with joy. Our instructor said to us ‘’get A board each put your hands in the front and freestyle kicking all the way to the other side.’’As soon as we got there we were waiting for the other people to finish I was doing really cool back and ford flips. We had A short lesson of swimming so we got changed and left the pools in excitement.
The next day Class 8 went swimming again but on fridays after swimming we go TC which stands for Tamaki college. So we got our togs and went swimming but it was different because we had to bring our whole bag with our lunch so after we go swimming we eat our lunch and then we go and walk all the way down to Tamaki College But in the mean time we went swimming as usual so when we got there we had to get changed and have A shower it was amazing because I went in the freezing cold one. Then we hopped in the pool it was warm suddenly but i just couldn't put my finger on it May be it was the cold water that made me warm from my shower. Group three Is really interesting because Group one and two don't do the stuff that we do. I found out from my Mum that if you go swimming you use all your muscles in your body. Group three’s swimming is very complicated Because we swim the whole pool The other groups have to swim half way of the pool. After swimming we went Tamaki college to do some activities.
After A long day of swimming finally we finished the day by going to TC and after we went to TC we went back to school and get our school bags ready to go back home and enjoy our Inspirational weekend.
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
Grid Reference
- What is the grid reference of the ∞ ? A2
- What is the grid reference of the * ? D4
- What is the grid reference of the Δ? B3
- What is the grid reference of the Circle? B5
- What is the grid reference of the Love Heart? A4
- What is the grid reference of the Smiley Face? C3
- What is the grid reference of the Cloud? E5
- What is the grid reference of the Sun? E3
- What is the grid reference of the Lightning Bolt? C1
Tuesday, 25 March 2014
Tears of the albatross...
This story is about A family and they were kind generous people And one day They saw this little boy walk around their village and they said hey are you lost so the brought him to one of their huts and Raised them and the albatrosses always served him everything he would ask for and one day he repaid the family by trapping the albatrosses and trying to steal them to when he went to trap them he saw the tear run down the albatrosses eye. He felt sorry for the albatrosses but he still left them there he knew he did something really dumb and foolish the old man said where are my albatrosses in A terrifying the family started to worry the little boy stannded on A rock and said I AM SORRY in A loud voice I TRAPED YOUR ALBATROSSES I WILL SHOW YOU WHERE I HAVE HID THEM. He took all the rocks off the wall and the albatrosses the albatrosses were so tired and so hungry so he gave them something to eat and drink he said i'm so sorry that I have trapped your albatrosses the old man said I forgive you. So they lived happily ever after...
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