
Friday, 20 September 2013

Skypeing my penpow

On Thursday I skyped my buddy from australia. It was nice to meet my partner, And he had some tricky questions that he asked me. And i had some very easy questions that i asked him like what's your favorite cartoon
and what's your favorite food and what’s your favorite restaurant. And his name is Jack and he lives in sydney australia and there school is a catholic  school.

Michael Skype from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Esther continues

In todays story we learned about Esther...

Mordicie was so sad so he was ripping all has cloths and maybe he had ash on his head.
Because he was a jue and if you were a jue you will die. When queen Esther came to the king we
put he wand up and queen Esther was safe because she was a jue and she was safe.

I was the king miss hure was the queen and mrs clarke was mordicie  and jalen was the servent and josh was the messenger

Friday, 13 September 2013

My Sports Award

Here is a sports award form rugby at the eastern zone tordemint.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Youth Town

Today year 5 went to Youth Town, it was fun because there was ping pong, pool and art. The first thing we had to do is put our bags into this room and all the non swimmers went to a special room it had ping pong and pool. We played so much that we still thought it was the beginning of the trip.

My mum was a parent helper it was cool because she played ping pong with us. She is very hard to beat,even in pool once i bet my mum. Next we went painting they teachers teaches us how to do printmaking. It was a bit hard but we got there.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Esther continues...

Today in C.R.E we learned about more about Esther...

The guards made a planed to kill king Zexres And When Mordiecie told king Zerxes He hanged those Gards.

Our Debate

On Monday our reading group did a debate. We did a debate about should Pt England school wear school uniforms. We were Against that means we are saying yes we should wear school uniforms. The other group is saying no we should not wear school uniform. A debate is a form of argument and a debate is what lawyers do and it was hard to write all the ideas.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Lifes a stage

Play Refelcon

On Monday our whole class had to do plays. I was the boss of my team and we had to do where is the. Driver i was the runner and Kyan was the clown and. Mele was the cook and Harlem was the child and Ashley was the prime minister. We all practiced reading and some of us knew it off by heart.

The first play that they did i had butterflies in my stomach. I was worried and i was shaking with fear. As it was our turn we had to make a bus it was with chairs and we did our play.

Monday, 2 September 2013

My Warriors Weekend!

On a existing weekend me my Dad and my brother went to the Warriors vs Raiders game. When the Raiders came out everyone yelled BOO but when the Warriors came out every yelled yay. When the game started it sounded painful because i could here a big slap and everyone went OOO. Some people got injured in the first half because they were in the way and we got a photo with Manu Vatu Vie.

This guy from the Raiders chipped and it went high and Munu Vatu Vie jumped for the ball and got a try! The 2nd try was a runaway on the sideline And the whole crowd yelled go go go. Everyone cheered i was happy because we were winning, And another outstanding player was Shawn Johnson.

Shawn Johnson got 3 tries and one of them was a runaway and one of them was a dive jump and one of them was a safe try! The Raiders were cheating because one of them elbowed Kevin Locke in the face. Everyone yelled Boo to the Raiders when they got that try. And hepes of people on the 2nd half got injured most of them was the Raiders.

At the end some of the Warriors left and it was a bummer that they had to leave.