
Friday, 18 November 2016

Letter to the South Island

Dear Waiau, Kaikoura and South Island...

Sorry about the horrible tragedy you are going through. A 7.5 earthquake, in all honesty I wouldn’t handle a little shake. Sorry about your family members that have passed on from this world, I hope you can handle the sorrow and pain within your heart.

I’ve watched the news and it looks like you guys down there are fighting hard and surviving, I am proud of you people...Seeing all of the damages to the roads, railways, mountains, Buildings and reserves make me very anxious. Is the earthquake aftershocks coming to Auckland.

I felt some of the aftershock, the mirrors, plants and cups started to shake, and the weird thing was it started at 12.00 to 12.05.

Thanks for reading and stay strong...


Friday, 4 November 2016

Next Weeks Science Experiment

Next week my group of friends are going to conduct a science experiment. We are going to test out which type of coke a cola will react to the mentos. The Cokes we are going to get are Coke life, Coke, Coke
( Diet ), Coke Zero and Pepsi. We are going to line up all of the Cokes on the bottom field and we are going to drop a whole pack of mentos in each bottle of Coke.  I Cant wait for this experiment...

Please leave a comment...  

Science Experiment Investigation...

Science Investigation
Fair Testing
Fill out the following table to help you explain the Growing in the dark: Plants and light experiment

Aim - what are you trying to find out?
If plants can grow under lights faster than growing under the sun ... Will it be more healthy?!
Hypothesis - what do you think your results will be?
I think the one that will grow in the sun will be more successful for the following reasons. It's more healthy for the plant and its more good to the enviroment...
Independent Variable - what variable will you change?
I would change the enviroment the plants are around because they are just for a experiment. Plants are lives you know...
Dependent Variable - what variable will you measure?
I would focus on the one that's inside because its the experiment that were doing so it’ll be cool to see if it actually works...
Controlled Variable - what variables will you keep the same?
I would keep the plants in the environment it is in for testing...

Aim - what are you trying to find out?
What colour of bird feeders are preferred...
Hypothesis - what do you think your results will be?
My Hypothesis would have to be the colour green because it is the colour of the environment we live in...
Independent Variable - what variable will you change?
I would change the places I would place them because if you keep all of the birds together. That would be very unhealthy...
Dependent Variable - what variable will you measure?
I would focus on the ones that birds actually come to because the more the merrier...
Controlled Variable - what variables will you keep the same?
I would keep all the colours the because I think that attracts creatures to come...

Mixture Of Problems #2...

Mixture Of Problems #1...

Rewriting Complicated Sentences...

Pick up an egg, gently hit it against the side of a bowl and empty the contents into a clean bowl.
Grab an egg and crack it into a bowl...
Open the fridge and take out the butter. Take off the lid. Get a knife and use it to scoop some butter. Rub the knife onto the toast.
Grab your knife and butter your toast...
Hold the two shortest sides of paper and bend them together. Squeeze them so that the paper is now in half.
Grab a piece of paper and fold it firmly...
When you hear the sound of the whistle, move one leg in front of the other as quickly as you can.
As soon as you hear the whistle you run...
When player One had rolled the die, they should hand it to player Two, who should then roll it too. The person with the highest score moves their counter first.
When player one rolls the die player two must go next then the person with the highest score will win...
If you want to turn on the computer, look for the round, lack power button and press it once.
If you want to on a computer press the power button that is round...
Hold the handles of the scissors and cut along the dotted line, making sure you don’t hurt yourself.
Grab your scissors and cut out the paper along the dotted lines...
Before you start mixing the ingredients, switch on the oven and turn the dial to 140 degrees.
Before you touch the ingredients preheat the oven to 140 degrees...
Take the lid off the glue stick and rub the glue on the tab, being careful not to get any glue on your clothes.
Grab a glue stick and glue the place you need to glue. Don't ge any glue on yur shirt...
When you have planted your seed, pick up the pot and move it it near to a window where it will get lots of sunlight.
Grab a seed and put it in the soil. Put it where theres heaps of sunshine...

Instructional Writing ( Cooking and Washing hands Tips )