
Monday, 17 October 2016

The Immerison Assembly...

Term 4...Week one...Monday, Pt England School. The smell of pancakes must of made the little and big students very warm and welcomed to be back to school. As Mr Burt and Mrs Nua ( Principal & Deputy Principal ) were positioned facing hundreds of students cooking in there mini kitchen. They were cooking pancakes for the students that were being quiet and good. They introduced Pt England's new topic. It was named “Ch . ch . ch . ch changes”. They named it that because Pt England School was studying about science and science involves changes. Team 1 of Pt England School was studying about the changes of foods, liquids and much much more.

The next Team which was Team 2 was studying about the balance ( Buoyancy ) of things that could have been thrown into water/sea like milk bottles, rocks, a human boy and heaps more. Plus how things change in cooking like eggs and meat as well. But for cold things like ice cubes and frozen veges if you leave them out for a while they will start do defrost...

Team 3 was studying about experiments and things you have to put into making an amazing experiment. They learnt a whole heap of there experiments for a youtuber named The Crazy Russian Hacker. There experiments were very cool because they had everything that little kids like, like explosions, eruptions and things that were very tempting to do.
Team 4 were studying about myths and seeing if those myths actually work or not. There first myth was if Mr Goodwin could survive without coffee in the morning. Of course Mr Goodwin couldn't survive without coffee so he started to throw a fit on the ground. Team 5 did a simular thing to Team 3.

They did something similar to science experiments but instead they did something more fun. The teachers of Team 5 put there bodys on the line of getting wet, sticky and cold. Mrs Tele’a got 4 water balloons popped on the top of her head. Miss Berry got 2 pepsi max’s squirted into her face and Miss Clark got two very cold ice cubes down her back. Plus a water balloon popped on the top of her head and Mrs Illoa and Mr Wiseman watched them suffer the pain.


Friday, 14 October 2016

State Of Matter...

Discussion Doc  (Make a copy first, file in reading)
States of matter

Work on this Doc together with a partner or in a 3.

Give three examples of each state of matter?
A Rock
A Tree
A Human
Carbon Dioxide

What’s the difference between the three states of matter?
They Both Are Different Textures
One of them could turn into a solid
They both do different jobs...

Write 3 sentences explaining something new you learned from this reading.
Some Liquids Can turn into solids, Gasses could do things that could actually help people, Solids can hurt people and could be part of nature...