First of all we went for this massive as hike we all thought it’ll be easy but honestly it was torcher. We had to climb up this hill it was called killer hill. When everyone was climbing all you could “hear was the sound of petrifying breathing’’. All our legs hurt especially our calfs. When we got to the top it was so so so painful i “just felt like fainting’’. After that we all had a break at this place where there was this big pile of rocks and we added on to keep the flow going.
We went to this amazing beach were all the rocks lived we even saw the big melted rocks i threw heaps and heaps into the water. When we got back we went for a swim it was cold and very refreshing. If you jump off the Wharf it will take a long time to get up.
As we got out of the water we had a shower. After our shower we had heaps of free time. I hung out in my cabin with Harlem , Johnlee, Josh and Jalen. So i said “I'm going to go outside’’ We were all playing baseball volley and even rugby. There was this big as playground that most of the kids were playing on. They told us to come in and get ready for the night of your life. THE 2014 CAMP CONCERT !!!!!!
We were all nerves at start but we gained some confidence. Next it was my group, My group was called Kawau. When Kawau did their performance and we were all Proud of ourselves. After that we went to bed.
I had a really good sleep the next morning it was our last day at Kawau island. So we did so many activities like Volley, (Bush) Baseball, Swimming And morning tea. After that we did all those activities we sat in the place where we sat for the first time. So the fairy came and we left . Some people just sit and get teary eyed. When we got back to school we saw our families waiting for us we were all happy.

Mikes movie from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.