Friday, 30 May 2014
Thursday, 29 May 2014
Friday, 23 May 2014
Three Awsome boats
This was the ikas task it is about how much the boat how long it was and what the width was. As you can see i have only done 3 boats one is A basket boat,drag boat and jet ski. When you look at this picture two of these boats are fast and one is made for fishing. One of my favorite boats in this picture is the drag boat. I like the drag boat because it is fast and it has lots of design...
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
The weird house in the middle of no were....
On A pitch black night 2 kids went trick or treating in the middle of no wear, for hours the two kids were looking for A house. Then they saw A light blaze A distance away so the two boys sprinted to the house. As they pressed the doorbell the door swung open and almost hit the the two boys they yelled out ‘’HAHAHAHAHAHAHA’’. They heard A man say ‘’get out of my house get out of my house’’. The two kids said where's my candy bro he replied ‘’come hear’’ the kids were following the sound. Then they heard something crack, It was filled with candy the kids went crazy then a man walked out of a bed room. He looked freaky when the 2 kids saw the man they ran away when he on the lights he looked like A nerd.
The 2 kids went back and saw him they started laughing their guts out they said ‘’we thought you were A criminal’’ the man said ‘’well i'm not i tried to open the door but it swung open and the thing that dropped was my candy bowl so i hid in my room and then you guys ran away’’ then the kids said ‘’but you yelling to us doesn't cut it’’ Then the man said ‘’oooooo i thought you guys were robbing my house’’. So the two little boys said ‘’well bye then’’ the man replied ‘’bye’’.
Monday, 19 May 2014
In A city of destruction there was A life saver named super glue he could stick baddies to brick walls and he can melt his self. Once there was A baddy stealing money Super glue yelled ‘’HEY GET OUT OF THERE’’ the baddey tried to make A run for it but super glue was swing on power post’s. While he was swing A cop saw every thing he did so the cop called in the S.W.A.T team. The S.W.A.T team Yelled out ‘’stop criminal’’ super glue had no choice so he sprayed super glue onto the S.W.A.T teams wheels the van flipped like A plastic bottle so an helicopter came the cop yelled out ‘’YOU HAVE NO CHANCE OF SURVIVING’’ super glue just stopped and stood there looking at the hard concrete. The swat arrested him for 20 years...
The first year he was in jail he was so bored, At night he heard something crack on to the ground super glue woke from his sleep. It was A prisoner super glue said ‘’What are you doing’’ the robber ignored what he said and jumped out the window. Super glue just remembered that he had melting glue so he melted the prison bars and ran after that man the bells rang and one of the cops said super glue escaped so the called the army and the S.W.A.T to chase those two criminals the man the tried to escaped was so so so so dangerous. The army had to get tanks to get them because super glue kept flipping army vans,cars and some tanks. When he catched the robber the cops yelled stop he grabbed the robber and gave it to the cops all of the forces that were there said thank you and gave him A badge.

The first year he was in jail he was so bored, At night he heard something crack on to the ground super glue woke from his sleep. It was A prisoner super glue said ‘’What are you doing’’ the robber ignored what he said and jumped out the window. Super glue just remembered that he had melting glue so he melted the prison bars and ran after that man the bells rang and one of the cops said super glue escaped so the called the army and the S.W.A.T to chase those two criminals the man the tried to escaped was so so so so dangerous. The army had to get tanks to get them because super glue kept flipping army vans,cars and some tanks. When he catched the robber the cops yelled stop he grabbed the robber and gave it to the cops all of the forces that were there said thank you and gave him A badge.

Super glue was named A life saver and A hero, the army said would you like to be with us superglue said yes so the saved trouble and mayhem.
Wednesday, 14 May 2014
My Reading follow up
Michael animaton from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Thursday, 8 May 2014
immersion assembly...
The first day of the term was so cool because I could talk to my friends and have fun on the play ground. But i’ll tell you something thats not boring our enthusiastic assembly, Mr Burt was dressed up in A clown costume and welcomed us back to Pt.England. Mr Burt was throwing mini rugby balls into the crowed all of us was siked to be at school. As we were watching Mr Burt was putting balloons onto A taxi that has been on his desk for years. After he did his performance teachers went onto the stage to tell the kids what they're topic was. The most outstanding one for me was Team 5 and Team 4. Why you ask because there ones were the most interesting.
It was all about flight and sound I like the sound one because we could all listen to music and I like the flight one because it told us how thing work like air crafts and other stuff. As we left we had to go for our run we had to do one lap around the field as we walked to class everyone was chatting to their friends.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014
My wonderful holliday
On A bright sunny day me my aunty and my mum and brother and my cousin went to Rainbows End first we all got up with joy got changed and had our breakfast then we left. When we got there we all saw the new ride named the stratosfear. As I was looking at the stratosfear I heard heaps of people screaming their heads off. The first ride that me and my family went on was the pirate ship I gave me butterflies in my stomach just from looking at it. As we were waiting we were watching the go carts speeding buy then we heard the lady say everyone keep hands in the ride at all times and please stay seated as we were going faster I closed my eyes tight and when we got here we got off and I felt dizzy. The second ride the we went on was bumper cars when we went on them I smashed every one. When I smashed my cosin John he Said ‘’come on man for the bradas’’ and I said na and when he smashed me I yelled out AHHHHHHHH. When we finished we went on the rollercoaster my cosin John said ‘’I HATE THE DROP’’ and I said ‘’WHY WHAT'S SO SCARY ABOUT IT’’ and he said you'll see. When we went on it I YELLED ‘’AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH’’ when we hit the drop. This loop made me feel like I was going to fall off.

As we exited the ride me and my brother said can we go on the invader my mum said ‘’yup’’ so as we sat down a cushion smashed my back hard just to keep us safe. As the invader was spinning we just kept on going faster and faster until I started to yell out ‘’AHHHHHHHHHHHHH’’. When we went off I felt dizzy so my aunt asked me’’ do you want A drink’’ I replied ‘’yes please’’. After we had A drink we went to moshen master it whipped me around like A rubber band. You had to wear 3d glasses, when we left the ride me my aunt and my cousin went on the go carts as it was my turn i didn't know how to put on the seat belt on of the ladies had to help. When they said go I floored it and it went fast I was happy because it was just like driving A bumper car but there was A big ring around the wheels to keep the cart safe. As light turned red we had to park up into the driveway for all of the go carts. When we left my Mums band started to rip so we had to go get her A new one but when we went to go get her A band my aunty and my cousin went on to the stratosfear. When we came out they were already finished so we left to the invader again so after we went on we were dizzy so my brother wanted to go on to the log fume so me and my cousin went onto the go carts. As we lined up my Mum Aunty and my Brother said ‘’only night rides only’’ and I replied ‘’no they are giving us A turn’’ so they opened the gate and we went around the track then every on was lining up for night rides.
After we went rainbows end we went to a lovely feast and we went dennys we were so hungry after dennys we went to my house to pick up our PJ’s and we all had our showers and we had A sleepover at my nana’s and we were playing games. We played Halo reach after I played A little of little of it I went to sleep.
Click here if you want to know what rainbows end is.

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