Once a upon time there was a boy named Toby . He had a fight with a boy named Charlie. Toby was Charlie's best friend and Toby started this fight. Toby started punching Charlie and Charlie started punching Toby. Then Tobys friend Jake got bark and started throwing bark at Charlies head. And Toby started throwing bark at Charlie to. Toby had a lighter and lit some bark on fire and he throw it to Charlie.
Charlie got that piece of bark that was on fire and throw it to Toby and Toby’s cloths were on fire and he Yelled “AH AH AH AH’’ very loud. “And Charlie said to Jake get out of here’’. Then Jake said neh and he poked thongs and then Charlie jabed
Jake in the face and he started crying.
And every one came and looked at Toby crying and Charlie said are you all right
and Toby said NO and Charlie said fine then bye and he started laughing while he was walking from the playground. Charlie went home and watched TV and his mum
said “CHARLIE there is a fire in the back of the house’’. Charlie knew it was Toby because he saw in dark blue jeans speed pass him and Charlie said “STOP RIGHT THERE’’ he Yelled.
It was a chase they were sprinting through out the whole neighborhood it was so harsh they were shouting. Charlies mum said “What in the world are you doing’’, Charlie was punching Toby in the face and then slammed him into the lamppost and it collapsed. Toby was so knocked out they had to get an Ambulance to wake him up because he was in a coma from getting knocked out. But Toby was such a troublemaker and thats why Charlie knocked him out.